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In the monkey position, which requires some gymnastics and flexibility, the male lies on his back with his knees drawn towards his chest. The woman sits on the man with her back turned and moves herself up and down by taking power from her feet. The more the woman uses her feet in this position, the more comfortable the man will be. Let’s face it, it’s not an easy position.
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Butterfly position is not really a position related to its name… Women’s table, buffet etc. It lies on a suitable piece of furniture such as The man stands in front of the woman and the woman puts her feet on the man’s shoulder. The woman lifts her hips up, taking support from the table with her hands. The faces of the couples face each other and this is how the union is achieved. The stronger the man, the more pleasurable the union will continue.
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Although the climax position may seem a bit difficult, this position will be quite easy if you are eating healthy or if your partner is engaged in sports. The man stands with his knees slightly bent. The man lifts the woman standing in front of him and the woman wraps her feet around the man’s waist. This is how unification is achieved. If the woman’s feet come on a table or something similar in the beginning, the woman gets more comfortable support.
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In the balance position, the male lies on his back with his feet open. The woman sits upside down over the man, keeping her arms inward, and the man grasps the woman’s hips. This is how unification is achieved. This position, which seems a bit difficult, is a real balancing act. In this position, the male determines the rhythm.
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In the split bamboo position, the woman lies on her back and puts one leg on the man’s shoulder. The man sits on the woman’s other stretched leg and the union is achieved in this way. It is a position where couples are face to face and can make eye contact with each other.
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Spiral (ANJOU)
In the spiral (Anjou) position, the woman pulls her knees up and turns to one side and curls up. The man takes the position of a spoon behind the woman and the union is achieved in this way. The spiral position, which is a very comfortable position especially for pregnant women, is also called the modern spoon position.
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The bridge position requires flexibility and strength. If you think your partner is flexible and strong enough, you can try this position. The man builds a bridge. The woman sits on the man like a horse. It moves up and down with the support of its feet. Maintaining this position for too long can be inconvenient. In the bridge position, the man may pass out due to the pumping of blood to the brain.
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In the clip position, the male legs lie together on his back. The woman sits on top of the man and leans back on her arms for strength. While the union is achieved in this way, the woman determines the rhythm of the movement. It is a position where couples face face to face and eye contact can be achieved.
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The closing position can also be called a mix of Spiral and Spoon positions. However, it is more difficult to do. The woman lies in one direction, pulling her legs towards her. The man takes the spoon position and hugs the woman from behind. The woman wraps her own legs around the man’s legs and this is how the union is achieved.
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In the double folded position, the man lies on his back and the woman lies upside down on the man. She leans back with her back to the man’s chest and rests on her elbows. The woman puts her feet on the man’s knees with her knees bent. The man who grasps the woman’s waist ensures the union with soft movements.